Paranormal Investigations: Body-Mind-Spirit Profile
A Profile of Paranormal Investigators
The purpose of this study is to extend the scholarly information on paranormal investigations from various orientations. Dr. Hageman’s Body-Mind-Spirit Profile (BMSP) conceptualization is useful for cross-cultural research in spirituality, in particular for “other ways of knowing” and the relationship to health and well-being.
Other research has found positive correlations with belief in the paranormal and sensation seeking, hypnotic susceptibility, neuroticism (negative affect), fantasy proneness, and purported psi ability. In this regard, creativity may have an adaptive function in relation to health.
Much research has been conducted to examine the characteristics of individuals purporting to use psi abilities or claim anomalous experiences. Such research typically is focused on experimenter expectancies, beliefs, contextual demand characteristics, and the proposition that psi experiences can be explained by trance logic, personal belief systems, “magical thinking,” or fraud.
However, there is little literature compiled on the characteristics of paranormal investigators, such as the psi investigator’s background, personality characteristics, philosophies, motivations, and personal experience with psi events.
This research may bring a more in depth understanding of the psi investigator and clarify the role of motivation and creativity of th investigator in the exploration of psi abilities and events.
Ó2010 copyright Joan H. Hageman, PhD