Paganism: Body-Mind-Spirit Profile (BMSP)
The Cross-Cultural Experience of Spirituality, Health, and Creativity in the Practice of Paganism: A Body-Mind-Spirit Profile
The purpose of this study is to extend the current scholarly information on the Pagan practice, an earth-based faith, by means of a conceptual description of a body-mind-spirit (BMS) profile developed in previous research by Dr. Hageman, which is enlarged upon to include the concept of creativity from a positive psychology lens.
The comparisons between the cultural groups will serve to further explore the relationship of spirituality to health across culturally based ideological boundaries from the perspective of a body-mind-spirit profile (BMSP) incorporating the role of creativity and divination in the pagan practice.
The comparison of different cultures will also help to clarify a description of the Pagan practitioners from different cultural orientations because Pagan and Wiccan groups (frequently referred to as Neopagan in North America) have very diverse beliefs and traditions.
A pilot study has been conducted. Results will soon be available.
Ó2010 copyright Joan H. Hageman, PhD